Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I usually do not like accusing people of treating me badly, main reason because i like to give them the benefit of the doubt. There are times that i am really very tempted of just blogging my feelings down but somehow i just can't do it. But what the heck... I have going through a lot this few days, problems galore... problems with my competition, my job, my relationships, my financial status and all.. This really results in me turning to my dark side once again like before (yup... laugh all you want because of the star wars reference *&#$%) Anyway, I would just like to give a Big thanks to all that have been supporting me throughout this rough period of mine, Big Thank you to sister Desiree, Lil Sis Pearlyn, Partner in Crime Xue-er, G.Dots Joyce and others i may have missed for all your emotional support. You have absolutely no idea how much all your smses mean to me to the point that it breaks my heart to have to delete them so as to clear space for new sms. Of course to others like Grace, Lyd and all whom i may not have the time to meet up often but i believe that you do care. Also wanna thank my Baby for being able to stand my nonsense and packed schedule. As for people or 'Friends' who have so much time to send me msgs to scold me on trivial matters such as "Me Always hanging up phones on people." I can only say... you need a hobby... and i will try to accomodate to you your Royal highness so as to wait for your permission before i hang up the phone in future. Piss off!

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