Wednesday, March 07, 2007


What started off as a usual day ended off in a rather complicated way actually... Recieved a phonecall at approximately 1pm. It was Elliott, immediately i could sense that something was not right. Well i was correct, apprarently he just relised that the girl of his dreams , which he has be trying to court after for the past few months was attached all this while. Met up with him for coffee shortly after that just to see if he was ok and hell no apparently not. The truth is i have never seen him in this state before... shivering and stammering and all. He knows it's not her fault... he knows it's not his fault either..... basically wrong place... wrong time....wrong situation. I guess it is only natural that he is feeling this emptiness right now.... sigh... Take care dude... I'm sure she appreciates what u have done for her.

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