Oh Well..... i just had to go for the event (liver killer) Nice new club located at gallery hotel level 2. It was a great event, nice music, free drinks and all. Another wonderful job by the guys from Emerald hill!
Why do we go for tatoos? To reinforce our identity? to create our personality? Or is there a reason that is much deeper than the ink on the surface of our skins? Oh well, that was basically the theme for 'Spider Lillies' which i managed to catch at the gala premier yesterday. Overall i felt that it was a rather interesting film (Yes... i was there to catch Raine and Isabella Frolicking in bed) But nevertheless the theme was beautiful... a little arty farty perhaps..... but nevertheless worth watching.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hahaha! Mr Liu, Mr Lim and Mr Danker (Still Sober!!!)
My Beautiful Sister and Her Beautiful Sister... With Mia!!
The coming week is going to be fun considering the fact that there is a long weekend coming up and what a better way to slowly lead into this week by going over to the Tutti Frutti party at Dbl O again! Once again would like to thank Mel and Gang for the wonderful invitation. It was really fun being able to party together with old friends and meet new friends together!Haha.... This time the party's theme was no longer Cherry Red but it was Kiwi Green this time! Nice la!!! can't wait for the next one! (Hint hint... The theme will be my favourite Colour)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Well Done Violet! Am sure you'll do well! With Sin Huey at the entrance of the mypaper Event!
Went for a MyPaper: My Dream Job event today. it was a rather interesting personality hunt for people who wanted to try out different jobs. Jobs of which included Bartendering, Event Hosting and Runway Modeling. It was loadsa fun (mainly because of the free flow of Booze) and of course the entertainment as well!! Met some nice people during the event too. Pure Coolness!!!
Haha... I am finally back to clubbing again! Went out to Zouk together will ell, connie and gang yesterday. managed to meet quite a few nice ppl! it was fun la! As for today, went to nitelife.sg 2nd anniversary. Rather fun as well and i even won a prize! haha...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The View Beneath my Hotel!!
Thanks for Bringing me around ppl!! (Clockwise: Andrew, Lisa, Sooshin, Me, Sue Lynn, Mei lin)
I'm finally back from KL!! Oh Well... although i was there officially for work reasons i have to say i really did had lotsa fun! The food there was awesome too along with the service! Would definately love to go back again... Haha i will now let the pictures do the talking!
Having been blogging for the entire week so i figured i might as well blog something before i head to my sales trip in KL tommorow. Last week was rather alright i would say... went through a few rough patches at work but i'll live through it. Went with Connie and Elliott to Eski bar at Boat Quay on Monday. I have to say that holland V was much better tho. Managed to Catch Spiderman 3 and 200 pound beauty both with baby this week and it is a definate must watch! Oh well... Of to KL i will stay for a week.My office mobile is still on pppl so feel free to call me! cheers!